WSR_Logo_Color_CMYKThe 52 Club recognizes donors who give annual gifts of $250, $500 or $1000 during one fiscal year (June 1 through May 31) to the Walker Scottish Rite Clinic at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP.

As a 52 Club member, you will be counted among the most enthusiastic and devoted supporters.

Benefits of Membership

  • $1,000+ donors will receive recognition in the annual President’s Report
  • Recognition in the Clinic’s KidTalk Newsletter
  • An invitation to attend the annual Spring Luncheon
  • An invitation to attend the annual Spirit of Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPdinner, honoring the ongoing support and generosity of donors and volunteers

For more information about the Walker Scottish Rite Clinic, .